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Profit By Imagination

How To Profit By Imagination.

(Profit By Imagination)

The greatest and most profitable thing you can do with your “imagination” is the act of rearranging old ideas into new combinations.

Using your “imagination” properly will help convert your failures and mistakes into assets of priceless value. And this will equally lead you to the discovery of a truth known only to those who use their imagination.

Knowing that the greatest misfortune (odd times least expected) of life often will open the closed door for wider opportunities.

Your capacities for achievements are unnoticeable until you harness the power of your imagination. You can only do this by mixing your efforts with your imagination.

You should know that the products of your hands minus your “imagination” will only yield you a small return, but that same hand when properly combined with influential imagination will accrue to you all the wealth and material things you need to acquire on earth.

1). By developing the faculty in your mind.
2). You can ally yourself with those who have already developed it.

An American, known as Andrew Carnegie made use of both, for a person who feels his/her imagination is inadequate, that person should ally with someone whose “imagination” is sufficiently developed to supply your deficiency.

1). There is the alliance of marriage.
2). The alliance of business partners.
3). And the alliance of employers and employees.

Assuming you lack in any of these forms of alliance, you can profit by allying yourself with men of imagination who have such capacity.

Illustrating further with this little story about the application of imagination, a farmer wanted to move to the city and at the same time wanted to “get rid of” his shepherd dog because it was troublesome to him.

On reaching the city, he made a move to the countryside where he could meet farmers of whom to dispose of the unwanted dog.

He met the first farmer who happened to be crippled by rheumatism and the man came out with his crutches.

The dog owner presented his sale in this manner; I have a dog I wanted to dispose of, do you care to buy it? And the crippled farmer told him no. likewise every other farmer that he met.

The dog owner went home disappointed and was telling his story of disappointment to friends, he happened to tell it to a man of imagination who offered to sell the dog the following morning.

The man of imagination took the dog to the same crippled farmer who refused it and offered the sale in this manner; “good day sir, I see you are all crippled with rheumatism. What you need is a fine dog to run errands for you.

I have a dog here that has been trained to bring home the cows and perform other useful services. The old farmer immediately bought the same dog that he refused before due to the owner wanted to “get rid of it.”

Using your imagination properly will let you know that no one wants a dog anybody wants to “get rid of.”

Having in mind the law of attraction “like attracts likes” looking and acting the part of a failure will attract nothing but failures.

Remember, whatever your life work may be, this should call for the use of your imagination.

If the winds of fortune are temporarily blowing against you, remember that you can harness them and make them carry you toward your definite purpose, through the use of your imagination. A kite rises against the wind __, not with the wind!

I saw a clever woman once made use of her imagination in this manner; she entered their sitting room and saw her baby pounding the edges of their TV stand with a spoon.

She reached for the spoon and the baby grudged refusing to surrender the spoon — do you know what she did next? She offered the baby a sweat-box and the little one dropped the spoon immediately and rushed for the attractive item.

That was imagination in action, she is a woman of imagination and that was salesmanship too. She won her way without using force.

But here is what you should know; there is one form of imagination which I should caution you on.

This is the brand of imagination which prompts some people to believe they can get something without giving anything, or they can force themselves on the world without observing the rights of others.

Prompt decisions in forcing the “imagination” to create a positive purpose render more powerful the capacity to reach decisions in other matters.

That is why adversities and what I call temporary defeat are all blessings in disguise, this is because they force one to use both IMAGINATION and decision, (being able to make the concrete grip of something).

Illustrating this act with this little expression; a man usually in a fight makes a better fight when his back is to the wall and knowing that there is no retreat, the man then decides to fight instead of to run.

This is why it is a well-known fact that the only way in which an over-pampered child may be made to become useful is by forcing him or her to become self-sustaining.

This will gravitate both “imagination” and decision; which cannot be used unless necessity knocks on your door.


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— Inadequate: >> (not good enough or too low in quality)

— Alliance: >> (group of people or community who agree to work together because of shared interest)

— Deficiency: >> (state of not having or not having enough of something that is needed)

— Rheumatism: >> (a medical condition that causes stiffness and pain in the joints)

— Law of attraction: >> (“like attracts likes”)

— Grudge: >> (a feeling of anger for a person you feel has treated you wrong, which often lasts for a very long time)

— Adversity: >> (a difficult or unlucky situation or event)

— Temporary: >> (not lasting or needed for a very long time)

— Disguise: >> (to give a new appearance to a person or thing, especially to hide the true form)

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