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How Imagination Affects All You Do Toward Attaining Your Definite Chief Aim.

This is like a workshop of the human mind wherein old ideas and facts may be reassembled into new combinations and put to new uses.

According to the modern dictionary definition, imagination is “the act of constructive intellect in grouping the materials of knowledge or thought into new, original and rational systems; the constructive or creative faculty, embracing poetic, artistic, philosophic, scientific and ethical imagination.”

Mastering the preceding lecture, I did drop, you should know that the materials out of which you built your DEFINITE CHIEF AIM” were assembled out of your imagination.

Also, SELF-CONFIDENCE and INITIATIVE and LEADERSHIP must be created in your imagination before truly they can become a reality.

This is because it is in the workshop of your imagination that this principle of Auto-suggestion (reminding the mind what to do every time) can be put into operation in creating these necessary qualities mentioned above for the attainment of success.

Remember, definite purpose in life, self-confidence, initiative and leadership all these qualities will elude you unless you first create them in your imagination and take possession of them in yourself.

Just as the bird develops from the germ that lies within the egg, the same process shall your material (money) achievements grow out of the organized plans that you create in your imagination.

So, those thought-out plans sometimes when you are lonely were meant to be captured and written down because I doubt you will be able to re-capture exactly how it was when it first came to your mind.

The process goes like this when you first conceive it;
…. First => The thought emanates.
…. Second => The organization of that thought into ideas and plans.
…. Third => Transforming those plans into reality.

Imagination being both interpretative and creative, can examine facts, concepts and ideas, and equally create new combinations and plans out of these facts, concepts and ideas.

In this course, the subject of “imagination” is important because you will see how it is the only thing you have absolute control over in the world.

A man may deprive you of your wealth or cheat you in thousand times as men do but none will be able to rob you of your imagination.

This is what men cannot do because; they cannot take from you the privilege of using your imagination as you wish.

And you should note this in your entire life; one of the great things a man may do in his imagination is to forgive those who have dealt unjustly with him.

Just learn how to do that, and also pray for me the writer of this article to emulate the same.

The major problem with us lies in our lack of understanding of the power of imagination, for my father solely regarded me and my ideas out of imagination as elusive and utopia in thinking.

I so much had it rough with them and they almost ended up killing my plans if not for my kin’s determination.

If we understand the power of imagination which is great, we could use it as a weapon with which to wipe out poverty, misery, injustice and persecution, and easily this could be achieved in one single generation.

For a better understanding of this description of imagination, we must accept as a reality the principle of “telepathy” (how thoughts we release are registered in the minds of other people). If you have heard of “mob psychology” you will understand what I am saying here.

It is nothing but some strong dominating idea that has been created in the mind of one or more persons and which registers itself in the minds of other persons, through the principle of “telepathy” (how thoughts we release are registered in the mind of other people).

Illustrating this little example below will tell you how strong the power of mob psychology is.

Using the idea of two men fighting in the street, the fighters will often start a “free-for-all” fight in which bystanders will start fighting among themselves without even knowing what they are fighting about, or with whom they are fighting and for which cause. This often happens.

This is an indication of how powerful imagination is. Illustrating further the power of imagination; A young man who just finished business school, and wanted to serve employment in one of the best business firms in the USA.

Sent a letter to the C.E.O. with a crisp-ten-dollar bill that had never been folded. This is the content of the letter below for clarity and further knowledge:

“I have just finished a commercial course in a first-class business college and I want a position in your office because I realized how much it would be worth to a young man, just starting his business career, to have the privilege of working under the direction of a man like you.

If the enclosed ten-dollar bill is sufficient to pay for the time you would spend giving me my first-week instructions I want you to accept it.

I will work the first month without pay, and you may set my wages after that at whatever I prove to be worth.

I want this job more than I ever wanted anything in my life and am willing to make any reasonable sacrifice to get it.” Very cordially

This is an excerpt coined through a concrete imagination and this young man got his position in this office and after a year, the president of a life insurance company that heard of this incident offered the young man a private job at a well-rated salary. Today, he is great out of concrete imagination.

So, imagination being the mirror of your soul warrants that you have the right to stand before that mirror and see yourself as you wish to be.

It is your right to see the reflection in that magic mirror of the mansion you intend to own, those factories you intend to manage, and the presidency which you intend to be, the position of authority you intend to occupy in life.

Remember, your imagination belongs to you! Try to use it often! How steadily you use it determines how efficiently it will serve you in life.


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— Imagination: >>> (the ability to form pictures in the mind)

— Rational: >>> (showing clear thought or reason)

— Ethical: >>> (relating to belief about what is morally right and wrong)

— Germ: >>> (small portion which develops into something large)

— Interpretative: >>> (relating to explaining or understanding the meaning of something)

— emulate: >>> (to copy something achieved by someone and try to do it as well as it was done)

— Utopia: >>> ({the idea of} a perfect society in which everyone works well with each other and is happy)

— Telepathy: >>> (ability to know what is in the mind of someone or communicate with them mentally, without using words or other physical signs)

— Mob psychology: >>> (It is nothing but some strong dominating idea that has been created in the mind of one or more persons and which registers itself in the minds of other persons, through the principle of “telepathy” (how thoughts we release are registered in the mind of other people).

— free-for-all fight: >>> (an act instigated by telepathy in which by-standers will start fighting among themselves without even knowing what they are fighting about, or with whom they are fighting and for which cause.)

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