You are currently viewing FOR FAILED BLOGGERS: Failed With 35 Blogs Before Building One Of The Fastest Growing Blogs.

FOR FAILED BLOGGERS: Failed With 35 Blogs Before Building One Of The Fastest Growing Blogs.

1. Introduction

One of the rare things that will emanate in the blogosphere as trends, is the ability of some bloggers to make open most experiences had with years of blogging.
Unlike what was and is still obtainable where some bloggers are, who hide their lucrative experiences and are busy dishing out some sugar-coated information that does leave most aspiring bloggers tired and worn-out at last.
I think the trend is now starting with Blogtostay. Then, let’s examine who a failed blogger is.

A) Definition Of a Failed Blogger:

Who is a failed Blogger?
Before we continue with this elaboration, I would like to remind us that, there is nothing like a failure. It’s all about making mistakes that lead to realizing the solution to that particular problem you were unable to discover before.
With that said, a failed blogger is a blogger who made some mistakes within the journey of blogging and was able or unable to decipher the solution to those problems.

And if able to decipher the solution becomes a stepping stone to winning.
And if unable to decipher the solution may lead to that particular blogger quitting or giving up such a lucrative idea. Which will be looked at as having failed by people who are not schooled in the field of entrepreneurship.
I think we should have an overview of the topic as stipulated above with regard to my experiences as a Professional blogger from 2009 till date ( which is a decade and four years now .)
Let’s go dear…

B) The Overview Of The Topic Above With Regard To My Experiences as a Professional Blogger:

I started blogging under the Google Blogspot platform in 2009 and was able to create several blogs ranging from news blogs and fitness blogs to various blogging niches that could occur to my mind those days.
Those days, I was boiling with inspiration and I could assure you that most of us do boil with such inspiration now most especially new bloggers or aspiring bloggers.

For your information, I’m an old experienced blogger who has built more than 35 blogs that failed due to one mistake or the other before realizing many mistakes that do lead to such failures and were able to build one of the fastest growing blogs on the internet today.

Which is Where I teach how to “STAY BLOGGING AND NEVER LEAVE.”
And equally, review software for ICT companies around the world.
So, my experience is that of the school of thought. Learning from my mistakes until I got it right.

Having done it, seen it all and here to dish out most of those failures and the solutions, I think we should eschew all resentment and focus to learn more from experience. I know I’m not the best in this field but remember, experience is the best teacher they do say.
Let’s face most of the challenges I faced during those years which will be regarded as failures by individuals who are not schooled in the field of entrepreneurship.

II. The Challenges I Faced As a Failed Blogger:

1) Not Recognizing The Importance Of What I’m Doing (I don’t know the value.):

From my experience, I came to realize that you could enjoy doing something while you don’t even know the value of what you are doing.
That was my case those days, most especially when I learned coding newly which enabled me to code my own blog from scratch giving me an edge in professionalism.
I felt like I’m on top of the world and needed to build blogs all over the internet without recognizing the value accrued to what I’m doing as a professional.
Such will lead to scattered concentration.

2) Lack Of Focus (Indecision: Doing many projects at a time)

Unable to recognize the value of what I was doing then, I had a scattered mind.
I started throwing many projects all over the place, though I enjoyed what I was doing, I had many projects scattered all over the internet and was unable to define any.
In simple terms, indecision crept in slowly while I was still enjoying what I found myself in. With time, it became obvious to me that I was not managing anything at all.

3) Being With The Wrong People (critics of your ideas) They Could Be:

—> Friends
—> Families
—> Co-workers etc.

Do not get me wrong here, many of us are quick to celebrate with relations even when the success is not yet there. I know this depends on what you could call a success. Because having an idea and building a blog on top of the idea is big of a success for some individuals.
But the actual success stems from the outcome of your work both financially and in lives in which your work has positively impacted.

I was quick to share my ideas with families, friends and other relations those days, not realizing that people do not want to hear what you can do, but only want to see you do it.
So, do not share your ideas with people who will criticize them for what they think it is to them. Your ideas are golden.
I have dropped so many ideas due to criticism by relations but I realized as years past that those ideas are worth building something on top.

4. Fear of embracing new trends in technology:

So many people might call this aspect “Technophobia” But I assure you, this is far from being a technophobia thing, this is what I actually called “Fear to embrace new trends in technology.”
Those days, I was finding it difficult to learn from individual bloggers who started out way back before me. The reasons are:
i) I don’t want to see myself as being under them.
ii) I believed that I know it all.
iii) I was afraid of change, not knowing that change is inevitable.
So, I became obsolete on certain trends that saw to the success of people I even started blogging before they did.

5. Impatient (Inability to wait for the results of good work)

Let me sound this as a note of warning. If you are into blogging to make quick money, I can guarantee you are making a big mistake. Not that you cannot make money within months in blogging, you can and many have done that but it requires dedication and consistency dear.

Most of my indecision stems from a lack of patience. That was the reason why I started switching from one project to another without actually dedicating myself to one.

When I see that a particular idea is not making money quick as I expected, I do immediately switch to other ideas which I think could guff up my bank account, but all to no avail.
Not until I learned how to be patient and things started moving ahead as planned.

6. Inability To Keep My Ideas Secret Before Certain People.

Once again, people don’t want to hear you say what you want to do, they want to actually see you do it.
There are certain experiences that are spiritual whether you believe it or not. I’m talking about decade-plus of experience. So, go solo with master minds while you build your ideas period.

7. Lack Of Financial Resources.

There are a whole lot of tutorials on the internet talking about starting certain business ideas with nothing. Quite unfortunate that such ideas are meant to be a click-bate ideas.
Lack of financial resources was one of my major problems while starting up as a blogger. I could recall several occasions when I wouldn’t be able to renew my hosting plans, and I will be seeing my great ideas crippled due to a lack of financial resources.

I started many projects afresh up to five times due to this kind of negative condition. Due to my nature of being someone who doesn’t like to work for somebody, I thought that doing work will be a deviation and a waste of time from my actual call in life so, that led to my inadequate financial acquisition.

My advice to you is that if you lack money and you want to start up an idea, find a job and work for a stipulated period of time then be quick to use that money and sponsor your ideas.
In a situation whereby your work can give you a chance to work for yourself at a certain period, create your project as a side hustle in which you will quit your actual job later and concentrate on it.

8. Inability To Scale As a Businessman (write less and scale more)

The idea of finding your passion, blogging for years before you gather enough traffic and monetize which was being preached by so many bloggers has gone.
In fact, most frustrations do stem from such an idea. Blogs nowadays act as a middleman that reviews businesses to the consumers who needed the solutions to their problems.

To be a successful blogger today in the 2020s and beyond, you have to be business minded. In simple terms, find a niche not only based on your passion but one that could provide business opportunities. In that aspect, you could be able to monetize your blog within months not years by reviewing services and products with affiliate links. And equally, attract sponsored posts from most of the companies that you do review their products who will like to be on top of the reviewed pages.

This was what I lacked those days, I was busy writing without scaling like a business-minded fellow. Within a short period of time, as I could not see my effort yielding anything, I do quit such an idea and immediately delve into another idea. With that, I was juggling so many ideas without defining myself in one.

9. Choosing The Wrong Niche/Topic

There wasn’t a time I chose the wrong niche or topic for my blog. Including this sub-topic (Choosing the wrong niche/topic) here is to enable you the reader be able to make a good choice of niche.
Remember, it is no more about passionate niche alone, it is all about scaling like a businessperson. See your blog niche as an intermediate system between you and the product or service owners and individual consumers of those products or services.
Choose a business-oriented niche, simple.

10. Inconsistent Content Creation

Right from the beginning, blogging is my passion because I love writing and scaling, in others to become a solution to people’s problems.
In 2010, I was able to write one hundred and eighty-five articles naturally without artificial intelligence writing tools within eight months for one of my blogs that are still running now (
That is to show you how passionate I am in consistently putting out articles.

For your information, the secrete of succeeding in the blogging business is to be consistent in posting content. This is just the secrete.

It does happen that even mediocre articles that are posted consistently will start having tractions.
Having made all the above mistakes, one could ask me how I have tried to learn from that failure.

III. Learning from Failure.

For our information, there is nothing like failure, it’s all about making mistakes and learning lessons, improving from those already made mistakes.

1) Importance Of Resilience And Perseverance

Resilience which is the ability to bounce back when you encounter a downfall in any format should be highly observed here.
And this will only occur when an individual is highly in love with whatever he/she is doing. Because in this aspect now, you will be able to resist whatever comes your way and be able to bounce back.
Perseverance comes in here when you make it your priority and finally be able to form it as a habit. That is when you will be able to persevere because it has become your daily ritual.

2) Identifying And Analyzing Past Mistakes

A person who does not know where the rain started beating him will never know where it stopped. So, the first solution to a problem is identifying where the problem is coming from or what it is.
— Before you create a new project after some mistakes, try to scale out what it was that caused the previous failure.
— Go into research to seek solutions to those problems.
— Substitute the found solutions to your new project.

3) Seeking Feedback And Constructive Criticism

Just like I stipulated in my mistakes above. Those days I was involved with concrete envy that could not allow me to seek trends in technology. My ego became my downfall in that aspect.
Put out constructive Q & A articles and ask viewers to answer those questions, and from there you could be able to get both constructive and non-constructive criticism.
Now, let us on a general note look at the term, building a successful blog.

IV. Building a Successful Blog

To build a successful blog there are certain criteria one has to follow to achieve that. And below are some of the strategies we can follow to arrive at building a successful blog:

A.) Finding The Right Niche And Target Audience

If you could go back to examine my write-up at the beginning, you could be able to understand that the reason why I was creating a whole lot of projects is that I was in the process of trying to define my niche.
And most times it does work because you have to try almost everything when you don’t know what to do until one starts working for you.
The problem here is, can one be able to exercise patience while trying everything at his/her disposal?
Well, let’s examine how you can be able to find the right niche and target audience.

  1. Identifying passion and expertise:-

To define your niche and target audience, you have to examine your instinct to understand your passion, and your passion should stem from the area of your expertise to make it become business-like.
Each and every one of us has had something of past experience where we can poss as an expert, and there are people willing to learn from you. That should be your blog niche or topic.
For example, through my years of making mistakes and learning from those mistakes, I have become an expert in blogging, and that is the reason why I teach; “HOW TO BLOG AND NEVER LEAVE.”

2. . Conducting market research:-

And making research should be a crucial activity to embark on because this will enable you to understand what your target audience needs most and be able to build a blog around that niche.
Market research will also enable you to have a clear understanding of your competitors so you could be able to build an edge while coming out with your own ideas.

B.) Developing a Content Strategy

Content is the key and anyone disproving that should rent a shopping plaza without goods coming out every day to sit on it. I think such a person should be regarded as being insane.
Now let’s talk about how you can plan and organize your content.

  1. Planning And Organizing Content:-

Planning and organizing content is essential for creating effective and engaging materials, whether it’s for writing an article, designing a presentation, or developing a website. Below are some steps to help you plan and organize your content effectively:-
— Define your goals: Start by clearly defining the purpose and goals of your content. What do you want to achieve? Who is your target audience?

— Gather information and research relevant topics to ensure that your content is accurate, up-to-date, and provides value to your audience.

— Develop a logical structure for your content by creating an outline. It will help you organize your thoughts, maintain a logical flow, and ensure that you cover all the necessary points.

— Use a content calendar: If you’re creating content for a blog, social media, or any ongoing project, use a content calendar to plan and schedule your posts.

— Put yourself in the shoes of your target audience. What are their interests, needs, and pain points?

— Visualize your content: If applicable, consider incorporating visual elements like images, infographics, or videos to enhance your content.

— Break your content into sections and use clear and descriptive headings and subheadings.

— Incorporate interactive elements like quizzes, polls, or call-to-action buttons to make your content more engaging.

— Once you have created your initial draft, review it carefully for clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Eliminate any spelling or grammatical errors, refine your language, and ensure that your content aligns with your goals and audience’s needs.

— Optimize for SEO: If your content is intended for online platforms, consider optimizing it for search engines.
To know more on how to Optimize your content using Rank Math as an SEO tool. The link is here: SEO Explained:– How To Rank On Google Search Few Months After Setting Up Your Blog.

2. Consistent Content Creation And Scheduling:-

Consistent content creation and scheduling are crucial for maintaining engagement with your audience, building a loyal following, and achieving your content goals. Below are some tips to help you with consistent content creation and scheduling:

— Start by defining your content strategy, including your goals, target audience, and key themes or topics.

— Create a content calendar or editorial calendar to plan and schedule your content in advance.

— Determine how frequently you want to publish content and set realistic goals based on your available resources and capacity.

— Block out dedicated time in your schedule to brainstorm ideas, create outlines, and write or create multiple pieces of content at once. This approach helps you be more efficient and ensures a steady stream of content.

— Don’t feel like you always have to create completely new content from scratch. Repurpose and recycle your existing content by updating, repackaging, or republishing it in different formats or on different platforms.

— If possible, involve a team or collaborate with others to share the workload and diversify the content creation process.

— Regularly monitor the performance of your content to gain insights into what resonates with your audience. Use analytics tools to track metrics such as engagement, traffic, and conversions.

— Be flexible and adapt: While consistency is important, it’s also essential to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances or audience preferences. Stay open to feedback, trends, and opportunities for timely or topical content.

C.) Improving Content Quality

Improving the quality of your content is essential for capturing your audience’s attention, establishing your credibility, and achieving your content goals. Below are three tips to help you enhance the quality of your content:

1. Conducting Thorough Research:-

Take the time to research and gather accurate, up-to-date information for your content. Use reputable sources, cite your references, and provide evidence to support your claims. Thorough research helps you deliver accurate and trustworthy content.

2. Enhancing Writing Skills Through Practice:-

Remember that writing is a craft that improves with practice. The more you write, the better you’ll become. Be patient, persistent, and committed to honing your skills. Embrace the journey of continuous improvement, and over time, you’ll see significant progress in your writing abilities.
Below are some tips to help you improve your writing skills:

— Write regularly: Make writing a habit by setting aside dedicated time for writing each day or week.

— Set specific goals: It could be completing a certain number of words or pages, improving your grammar and punctuation, or working on a specific aspect of writing such as storytelling or descriptive writing.

— Expose yourself to various authors, genres, and writing styles.

— Edit and revise your work severally.

— Make use oF AI writing tools like Open ai chat GPT, Jasper ai and a whole lot of others. Try always to paraphrase your AI written content.

3. Incorporating Multimedia Elements (images, videos):-

Videos and infographics have proven to be the best way to send deep messages directly to your audience. People can easily understand information on a video and image signal so, try to incorporate video content or infographics in your content and this will go a long way to enhance the quality of your content.

D.) Effective Promotion And Marketing Strategies

To build a successful blog in this current world of crowded internet presence, one must have to learn how to promote and market his/her content.
With effective promotion and marketing strategies, you are guaranteed the shortest period of success with your blog.
Below are some strategies to use while promoting and marketing your content:

1. Social Media Marketing:-

From my years of experience, I have gathered a whole lot of interest from social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Reddit.
Look at what I always do as a habit, I formed the habit of sharing my articles early in the morning (6:00 am) and Evening (9:00 pm) every day. And that has proven to be very tremendous in capturing my targeted audience.
Choose social media platform that suits your content and practice.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):-

Optimizing your content is paramount to enable you to rank on the search engine results pages (SERPs).
To learn how to practically optimize your content with an optimization tool called Rank Math click this link: SEO Explained:– How To Rank On Google Search Few Months After Setting Up Your Blog

3. Guest Posting And Collaborations:-

Guest posting is the ability to write articles for other blogs to incorporate in theirs leaving your links back to your own websites. Remember, link building is the currency of the internet. To grow your blog tremendously and fast, seek and write to established bloggers for both of you to trade links.

This is paramount for your quick growth. You can write a guest post for and we will examine the content if met our stipulations will guarantee you the opportunity to have your content and links back from Blogtostay to your own website.

V. Case Study: Successful Blogger’s Journey

My journey is that of the school of thought. Doing it by myself alone, failing and learning from my failure, and bouncing back to implement my lessons from my mistakes.
Through that, I have made many attempts, and do those attempts worth it? Well, let’s look into a simple overview below.

A.) Overview Of The Blogger’s Failed Attempts:-

I started way back in 2009 under the platform of Google Blogspot. Creating many blogs.
A few years later, I learned programming and was able to develop my own blogs and some sophisticated web applications that do perform some technical functions.

I created platforms like “cliklink”, “ridihow” and so many of them which I could not be able to mention here. “Blogtostay and noteoftime” which are the two successful blogs running now were among my creation those days.
Overall, I was able to create 35 web platforms and many of them were blogs that failed.

And from the lessons learned, I came to realize that there is nothing like failure, it’s all about mistakes to learn from and improve.

Did I actually learn from those mistakes and improved? Yes, I did. And I’m able to create one of the fast-growing blogs on the internet today which is;
And below are the strategies adopted after my failures. Let’s examine them:

B.) Strategies Adopted To Overcome Challenges:-

Change is inevitable and whoever runs from change always gets stuck. Doing the same thing will always leave you with the same results.
Below is the bulleted list of how I bounced back and reversed the above failures:

1) By seeking feedback and accepting both good and bad comments from the audience, I realized how my content and platform are helpful to people. Through this, over time I came to realize the importance of what I was doing. Simply put, the experience made me recognize the value of my creations.

2) I defined my area of specialization (Niche).

3) To move ahead, I disassociated some negative people in my life.

4) I killed jealousy and opened my heart to learn new trends from people better than I am.

5) I became patient and consistent.

6) I learned how to keep secrets ( remember, people don’t want to hear you say it, they want to see you do it )

7) I devised a means to sponsor my projects.

8) I became a middleman between business owners and the consumers
With the above eight stipulated strategies, I was able to turn my adversity into building one of the fast-growing blogs on the internet today which is;

C.) Turning Point And Growth Of The Fastest Growing Blog:-

In early 2020, I wanted to create an overall blog for myself. If there is anything like that.
I created, but after writing a hundred and forty-five articles for that blog without a membership site, I became stuck on how to monetize the blog within months not years.

I was searching YouTube and came across a blogger named Adamenfroy, I listened and recognized that this Dude was telling a simple truth then, I wanted to ignore him (that ego again crept in), and finally, I clicked and bum, it was what cleared my eyes.

But the funniest thing here is that Adamenfroy only started blogging in 2019, that is ten years since I started being a professional blogger but he is still wealthier than I am.

So, I have to eschew that silly ego of mine and listen to this Dude, that was when I realized that my formal blog named “Blogtostay” is suitable for my expertise as an experienced blogger for years.
I created this blog two years later, (March 9th 2023) and within three months the blog was accepted into the ad network and is making money as one of the fastest-growing blogs on the internet.
Thanks to my wealth of experience.

VI. Lessons and Advice for Failed Bloggers

A.) Embrace Failure As a Learning Opportunity:-

Just like I made mentioned at the beginning of this lesson. There is nothing like a failure in life, all is but mistakes you can learn from and improve as time goes on.
Try to take recognition of those mistakes and do not be afraid to confront them and seek for its solution and implement solutions to your projects.
My experience is the reason why I am able to build one of the fastest-growing blogs on the internet today.

B.) Stay Persistent And Dedicated:-

In fact, in all endeavours in life, if you are not persistent and dedicated, count yourself off from being successful. Let me repeat myself again, the secret to succeeding in the blogging business is persistence and dedication.
Again, even mediocre content with persistence does see improvements as time goes on. Take that from my experiences for years. So, stay persistent and dedicated as a blogger.
When your motivation starts to decline, the only thing that should keep you moving is DISCIPLINE. So discipline yourself as I did for years.

C.) Seek Support And Mentorship:-

Do not be afraid, ashamed or egocentric to ask for support and mentorship when need be.
I’m always available to render any kind of help to the extent I can if need be so, feel free to acquire anybody you deemed fit as your mentor and seek relevant support when need be.

VII. Conclusion

A.) Recap Of Key Points:-

So, let us have a recap on how I bounced back and reversed the failures I encountered during those years of blogging mistakes.
The reason is that this is the key point of our lecture today.
Change is inevitable and whoever runs from change always gets stuck. Doing the same thing will always leave you with the same results.
Below is the bulleted list of how I bounced back and reversed the failures:

1) By seeking feedback and accepting both good and bad comments from the audience, I realized how my content and platform are helpful to people. Through this, over time I came to realize the importance of what I was doing. Simply put, the experience made me recognize the value of my creations.

2) I defined my area of specialization (Niche).

3) To move ahead, I disassociated some negative people in my life.

4) I killed jealousy and opened my heart to learn new trends from people better than I am.

5) I became patient and consistent.

6) I learned how to keep secrets ( remember, people don’t want to hear you say it, they want to see you do it )

7) I devised a means to sponsor my projects.

8) I became a middleman between business owners and the consumers

With the above eight stipulated strategies, I was able to turn my adversity into building one of the fast-growing blogs on the internet today which is;

B.) Encouragement For Failed Bloggers:-

My encouragement for failed bloggers, aspiring bloggers and already existing bloggers is to be truthful to yourself.
One most important pieces of advice are consistency and dedication. These are the secret of successful bloggers.
Remember, when motivation is declining, what should keep you moving is DISCIPLINE. Period!

Thanks and remain blessed.
And if this lecture resonates with you, do not forget to share, comment and subscribe to my upcoming newsletters.
Please remember to stay blogging and never leave.

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1) AI: Four Methods Of Prompt Engineering.
2) How To Start & Stay Blogging And Never Leave
3) Art Of Transforming Your Habits

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