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How Fear from SOCIAL HEREDITY Can Make You Poor.

Do we think is sufficient to say that “social heredity” (influence from social lives) is the method through which man gathers all knowledge that reaches him through the sense?

I do not think this is enough, so, it is more to the point to state how— social heredity works with different applications as will give us a comprehensive understanding.

To this, I think we should start with some of the lower animals to deduce how this law affects them and how it can rob-off your talent/career and go ahead to make you poor.

In the ability to understand how social heredity works, a well-known author was once— examining a dove and her nest near his garden.

The nest was so located that the mother bird could be seen from a close distance when she was in the nest.

The young hatched, and the author having taken notice of such made his way towards the mother bird nest.

By mere sighting of the author, the mother bird dangled towards one corner pretending to have had damaged legs and flew away in a different direction to deviate the mind of the author.

But the author being familiar with the tricks of the mother bird, kept his pace to the location of the nest.

Without the slightest sign of fear the young birds turn toward the direction of the author looking directly at his face, he picks them up and they stand in his palm without fear still steering directly at his face.

He dropped them back in their nest and went to a safe distance to give the mother bird a chance to return.

The wait was short because she began carefully to edge her way back towards the nest and was from a distance uttering some series of sounds similar to calls which resemble that of a hen, when she has found some morsel of food that she wishes to call her chicks to partake.

She quickly gathered them with excitement and danced around while giving them their first lesson on self-defense through the law of “SOCIAL HEREDITY” (influence from social lives) and one could hear her from her body language saying;

“you silly and stupid little things! You should be ashamed for allowing that man to pick you up and carry you on his palm.

Next time you should not allow such to happen. You are lucky he did not carry you away and eat you up. Once you see him, get out of sight until the enemy has gone.”

These little creatures listened intensively to their mother. And when the author started making his way back, the mother bird did her normal tricky style and flew away.

To the dismay of the author, as he approached, he did not catch a glance of any of the little birds again.

All have hidden, which means, they have been taught how to avoid their enemies through “SOCIAL HEREDITY.” (Influence from social lives) Thanks to their instinct.

As a small boy, I had an intense love for pets like cats, I inherited a beautiful male cat from my grandmother. I trained the cat to a good lifestyle and he became friendly and law-abiding in the neighborhood.

Practical experience from SOCIAL HEREDITY (influence from social lives) made me lose that cat when I left for my secondary education career.

I had no time to attend to him and this made my siblings use this opportunity as a means to beat up and cajole the cat toward being their play pet in rough plays.

The cat could not withstand the beating and decided to run into hiding in the forest.
And any time he sees any of us approaching, he will run with utmost gusto for his dear life.

The practicality of the law of “SOCIAL HEREDITY” (influence from social lives) taught him the cat not to come close because that house was all but pain to him.

In this sense, social heredity has robbed the author of a pet and likewise did the same to me.

NOTE this: the second illustration described the process of gathering knowledge through direct experience, while the first was through the training of the young by the old.

Remember, the most important and impressive lesson is the one gathered by the young from the old, through emotionalized, method of teaching.

This could be noticed in the first story when the mother bird spread her wings, stood her feathers on end, and warned her young in a highly excited manner, she has planted the fear of man in their heart as their major enemies in the way in which they never forget in life.

To your career job and talent in life, say no to negative “SOCIAL HEREDITY” (influence from social lives) and activities that will deviate your “BURNING DESIRES” away from your current chosen “definite chief aim.”

Make friends and get closer to relatives that will influence the cause of your immediate career job/talent.

Co-exist with like minds to have progressive “social heredity” engraved in your subconscious mind.

Not the one that will distract and make you lose self-confidence in your area of career job/talent, but the one that expresses you to the knowledge and facts that you need to succeed in life.

Having reached this extent, we shall continue our next lesson with;


⦁ Having realized you can achieve the object of your definite purpose, there is the need to demand persistence, aggressiveness, and continuous action toward attaining that level.

⦁ Take thirty minutes daily out of your time the task of thinking of the person you intend to be, by so doing, you are creating a mental picture of this person and eventually transforming this picture into reality through practical services.

⦁ Auto-suggestion; through this, any desire that you persistently hold in your mind will seek expression through some practical means of realizing it.

Therefore, devote at least ten minutes daily to demanding the lesson taught here through auto-suggestion.

⦁ Take time to map out and write down a description of your definite purpose in life for the next five years. Set up a price that you intend to earn for each of these five years by rendering satisfactory services in advance.

⦁ Whether you like it or not, no wealth or position built upon injustice can last longer. Therefore, do not engage in any transactions that do not benefit all whom it affects. Attract forces you need to use and the co-operation of other people. Induce others to serve you by first serving them.

Then, sign your name on this formula, commit this to memory, and repeat it daily with focused faith that it will gradually influence your entire life so that you will at last become a happy successful man in your chosen area of endeavors.

NOTE: make sure you intend to carry out the instructions of this formula. According to psychologists, this law (self-confidence) has the power to lead you up the mountainside of peace and prosperity and equally can draw you into the whirlpool of failure.

So, fill your mind with radiant self-confidence, and this principle of auto-suggestion will take this belief and act it up as your dominating thought, eventually, this will help you master the obstacles on your way until you reach the climax of your successful career in life.



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_ Comprehensive: => (complete and including everything that is necessary)

_ dangle: => (to hang loosely or to hold something so that it hangs loosely)

_ deviate: => (to do something which is different from the usual or common way of behaving)

_ steer: => (to control something in the direction you want it to be)

_ Utter: => (to say something or to make a sound with your voice)

_ Morsel: => (1.A very small piece of food, 2. A very small piece or amount)

_ Instinct: => (the way people or animal naturally react or behave without having to think or learn about it)

_ Sibling: => (a brother or sister is your sibling)

_ cajole: => (to persuade someone to do something they might not want to do, by pleasant talk and sometimes (false) promises)

_ Gusto: => (great energy, enthusiasm and enjoyment that is experienced by someone taking part in an activity, especially a performance)

_ co-exist: => (to live or exist together at the same time or in the same place)

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