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Simple Procedures You Can Follow To Develop Enthusiasm.

(How Enthusiasm Will Affect Your Career and Talent)

What are you enthusiastic about? This lesson about enthusiasm cannot be complete without giving out the full definition of what enthusiasm is all about.

Enthusiasm is the state of mind that inspires and arouses one to put action into the task at hand.

The good thing is that; it does more than this __ it is also contagious, and affects not only the enthusiast but also all whom it comes in contact with.

Just like the steam does to the locomotive, enthusiasm is the vital force that impels action.

I was on my computer one night programming, I looked out through the window and saw the grey of the moon and was amazed when I checked my time and saw it was morning.

Enthusiasm has kept me working all through the night without knowing it was already daybreak.

The procedure by which it can be developed is simple and it is:

*** By doing the work or services which you like best, I know that lack of capital and other circumstances over which you have no immediate control may force you to engage in a work which you do not like.

For the time being, you may engage in this work which does not interest you, then you can proceed another line very effectively by adopting a DEFINITE CHIEF AIM that guarantees you engage in that work which you like best at a future time.

This has brought us to the most important aspect of this lecture which is SUGGESTION.

Having learned about AUTO-SUGGESTION in our previous lesson you saw what an important part Auto-suggestion could play in our career and talent pursuit.

Then what is SUGGESTION?
It is the principle through which your words, your acts and even your state of mind influence others. Concerning our previous lesson the principle of TELEPATHY is described.

Having understood and accepted the principle of telepathy (the communication of thought from one mind to another without the aid of signs, symbols or sounds) as a reality, will help you understand the reason why ENTHUSIASM is contagious, and why it can influence all that find themselves within its radius.

This could be illustrated thus:
A public speaker who senses the feeling that his audience is “en rapport” with him merely recognizes the fact that his ENTHUSIASM has instantly influenced the minds of his listeners which made their minds vibrate in harmony with his own (the speaker).

So, it is not so much what you say, but the tone and manner in which you say it that makes that lasting impression.

Now, you will be instructed as to how you shall proceed in developing ENTHUSIASM if you do not already possess this rare quality.

The instructions below will be simple but do not be unfortunate to discount their value to your career job and talent.

1). Follow up on this lesson, because, instructions that will aid in propelling you to the next level are already made available here.

2). Write out your “definite chief aim” in clear, simple language, and this should be followed by writing out the plan through which you intend to transform your aim into reality at last.

3). Your “definite chief aim” should be read each night, before retiring to bed, and as you read, see yourself (in your imagination) being in full possession of the object of your aim.

This should be done with full faith in your ability to transform your “definite chief aim” into reality.

Make sure you read aloud, with all “enthusiasm” at your command, and try to emphasize every word.

This should be repeated until that small still voice within you tells you that your purpose will be realized.

Oftentimes, you will feel the effect of this voice from within, the first time you read your “definite chief aim”; other times, you may be at the expense of reading it a dozen times before the assurance comes, I urge you not to stop until you feel the effect.

I recommend you read your “definite chief aim” as a prayer with utmost enthusiasm because ENTHUSIASM is as essential to your career and talent as water is to a duck.


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— Enthusiasm: >> (the state of mind that inspires and arouses one to put action into the task at hand)

— Enthusiast: >> (person who is interested in or involved in a particular course or activity)

— impels: >> (to make someone feel that they must do something)

— Suggestion: >> (the principle through which your words and your acts and even your state of mind influence others)

— En rapport: >> (in good terms)

— Impression: >> (an idea or opinion of what something is like)

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